  • Tech incorporated:
    Invisible screens, Gaming with kinect, Web application, Emailer

The freshest wheels in town

Jaguar, the world-renowned leaders in luxury cars, had come out with a stylish new automated wonder. Dynamic and agile, the E-PACE was the brand’s first compact SUV and Jaguar sought to unveil it to the UAE masses in a way that made a lasting impact.

We ideated a unique motion-game experience to stop people in their tracks and leave them scratching their heads. Because the only ones in-the-know were the players.

They see me rolling

The activation offered visitors a driving experience with a twist. Set-up across three screens, the display appeared blank to the naked eye until you strapped on our special glasses.

And so, to the bystander, the player looked a little something like this.

Maximum drive

Located at the centre of City Walk - Dubai’s thriving cultural hotspot - the activation used the element of curiosity as its hook to draw in crowds, receiving up to 3000+ visitors over the course of its set-up.

The motion-game offered an immersive, virtual ‘test drive’ to the players and served as a social highlight for those looking to snap some pics for the Gram.